Mauerweg Schild / Foto: Gröschel Branding
Dorfkirche Alt Staaken / Foto: Gröschel Branding
Eiskeller Getränke / Foto: Gröschel Branding
Mauerweg Strasse Grenzübergang / Foto: Gröschel Branding
Memorial to Dieter Wohlfahrt (1941–1961)
Haupstraße/Bergstraße, 13591 Berlin
- Escape helper and first victim of the Berlin Wall
Memorial to Willi Block (1943–1966)
Finkenkruger Weg 118, 13591 Berlin
- Shot dead by GDR border guards during his third escape attempt
Memorial to those who climbed the Wall
Zwinglistraße 3-11, 14612 Falkensee
Memorial to Klaus Schulze (1952–1972)
- Klaus Schulze attempted to escape to the West with his friend Dieter Krause
- He was shot by GDR border guards while climbing over the wall
Memorial to Helmut Kliem (1939–1970)
- Helmut Kliem unwittingly rode his motorcycle into the border zone and was shot by soldiers
Memorial to Adolf Philipp (1943–1964)
- Adolf Philipp was found in a ground bunker with a gas pistol and shot dead
Memorial to Ulrich Steinhauer (1956–1980)
- GDR border guard who was shot by an escaping comrade
Memorial to Dietmar Schwietzer (1958–1977)
Berliner Allee, 14621 Schönwalde-Glien
- Dietmar Schwietzer was shot dead trying to escape over the Wall after his trade school graduation ceremony
Memorial to victims of the border in Schönwalde
Berliner Allee 107B, 14621 Schönwalde-Glien